
NIS 2: How Netwrix helps meeting the cybersecurity challenges

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À propos de ce webinaire

With the continuous increase of cyber threats that aim to destabilize organizations of different verticals and sizes, it has become vital for organizations to act and improve their defenses, both at the governance and operational levels. That is why, on January this year, NIS2 came into force evolving the initial directive from 2016 and marking another important step towards the full definition of the European Union's cyber strategy. As its primary goal, NIS2 aims to improve the level  of cyber resilience of businesses operating in the EU.

But what does that really mean for organizations and how will they be impacted? We will be talking about this and much more during our upcoming webinar.

Take a look at our webinar and learn more about:

  • NIS2: why it is needed, its main requirements and how to get ready for them.
  • The Impact of the NIS2 Directive on organizations
  • How can Netwrix can help with the adoption of NIS2
Dirk Schrader avatar
Dirk Schrader,
VP of Security Research
David Swolfs avatar
David Swolfs,
Business Developer, Easi